Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas is just around the corner. I am having a great time decorating and reminiscing all of my Christmases before. My little Elves have been with me for every Christmas since I  can remember. The little red outfits are showing signs of age and their little hats have all but worn off.  I could not imagine a holiday without them.
Elf on the shelf is often how people refer to my little Elves, however these little magical creatures came way before the day of "elf on the shelf " written by Carol Aebersold and daughter Chanda Bell and illustrated by CoĆ« ...

 So how long have these little creatures been around?

Some of the first reports were from the 19th century.
Already associated with story telling and magic, elves began to be associated with Christmas in the mid – 1800s, when they became Santa’s helpers. Christmas celebrations were gathering popularity and Scandinavian writers penned  the elves’ role as we know it today: good heart-ed fairy like helpers of Santa Claus that are sometimes mischievous.

 My elves were made by a dear friend about 45 years ago and given to me for my first Christmas in my own home. the tradition of the elf was one of good fortune and safety and well being. They are filled with saw dust and made with genuine felt. I believe  these may be the original elves to our today's  Elf on the Shelf. Perhaps even the grandparents of our 2007 generation of  elves. 
This is Kandy Kane

My elves are just as watchful of my behavior, and just as mischievous today as they were 40 years ago. I often find them sitting in my tea cups, window sill, vanity, and one time  even in my refrigerator. I never really know how they get into these different places. I can only assume its Christmas magic. 
this is Sugar.
As you can see, Sugar has some hat and hair issues. she is 46 years old ( not old by elf age)



It has been said that elves only visit children.

The tradition of Santa's elves say the elves might visit a child as early as 12-18 months old. They watch over the child and report to Santa every evening.  Does this mean they don't visit adults? ( I have a feeling the elves have a lot more to report on my behavior.) 

Holiday magic can be everywhere if folks believe in it. So if Santa visits me I think he must send his elves too. 

Grown-ups believing in the magic of Christmas gives us a wonderful reason to have fun, enjoy imagination and show love and caring to those around us.  Pause for just a bit and enjoy ourselves. 
Have Fun.


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